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Ladies Golf Association

The Coyote Creek Ladies Golf Association is a Non-Competitive golf organization. We are a 9-hole league which is open to all levels of players from those just beginning with some knowledge of the golf game to those seasoned golfers.  Our league play is Tuesday afternoons (no exceptions) with play beginning at 1:30-6:00 to accommodate working women.  Our season will begin April 8 and we will play 23 weeks ending Sept. 9 rotating between the 9 holes on a weekly basis.

We help ladies establish their handicap using the USGA GHIN handicap system while helping members learn the rules of golf and golf etiquette. Weekly games are played with prizes and cash prizes awarded to winners. Our season will end with an 18 hole tournament with lunch and awards to close out our season.

Board Members:

  • President-Lori Gude 
  • Vice President-Kayla Kothe
  • Treasurer-Val Juarez
  • Secretary-Elaine Schmeiser
  • Handicap Chairperson-Karen Flagg

Fore more information contact Lori Gude at or 303-808-1467.

Member Registration

Existing members: Sign up for the 2025 season by clicking here: Existing Members

New Members: In order to sign up online you must fill out pdfTHIS FORM and return to Lori Gude at